The Switch

Hey lovely people! I recently decided to embark on a new journey in life! This journey is not cheap; let meeee tell ya, ahaha definitely not for someone who is broke, but I know in the end it will be completely worth it! I’ve decided to switch and try using products that have 100% or almost 100% all natural and clean ingredients!


I’ve never been much into being healthy, because you know working out means you’re definitely healthy right…lol! Biggest lie ever! But, I believed it for so many years. Pretty much up until now, when I realized having a full time job is a huge life adjustment!

I would walk right into Ulta and buy whatever new face wash, skin care product, you name it and be on my way. No care in the world if it hurt my skin, or even made my acne worse. Even though clearing my acne was the goal! I would buy products solely because I liked the design on the bottle…I know, I’m or was THAT girl. And in a realm where most beauty things cost between $2-$12, it’s really easy to get carried away and forget what you truly need. The outside of any product looks great, but the inside is something we ought to be concerned with more.

In order to save time, and my brain…I downloaded this awesome AWESOME app called “Think Dirty“. Feel free to go to the About page and fill your mind with knowledge! Instead of taking hours researching each ingredient in my products, this app and the doctors behind it, do it for me! They also make it easy to understand!



Shower Products:

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^ This Shea Moisture shampoo is already on the clean spectrum! So I think I will keep           it!

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Deodorant and Body Lotion:

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I didn’t want to spend hours researching, ( ha I’ve done that before), what beauty products are truly healthy for me! There are so many companies that lie and trick you just to make a couple extra bucks. And if you know me, you know I’m smart, but I ain’t no scientist. I believe my highest grade in the history of science classes was maybe a B!

I went back to the drawing board. If Think Dirty could show me the dirty products, it certainly can show the good ones too! Think Dirty makes buying easier, by including shop links for each item (most can be found in stores/ ! These are the products I will be testing out to replace the nasty featured ones above!

Shower Products:

I looked up a couple different shampoo brands to try!

     365 Everyday Value Herbal Mint Shampoo and   Conditioner $22.95.





Deodorant and Body Lotion:



These are just a couple of products that I would like to try out, NOO pressure on you! I didn’t mention many products, and that’s solely because I have so much freakin’ make-up, lotions, and hair products, etc, that I just can’t justify wasting!


I also made a switch to new skincare products! I am now using Rodan & Fields skincare; specifically the “Unblemish” line, because I have problems with acne and red scars. If you haven’t heard of Rodan & Fields skincare you most definitely have heard of their baby brand: Proactive! Proactive was a solution mainly created for people with acne and acne scars. Rodan & Fields is a brand for all skin types. In addition to skincare, they have some make up, hand cream, lip serums, night serum, etc. Yes….I get it, their products are a bit pricey! But, if a broke 22 year old can afford to buy them, (I saved paychecks), then you absolutely can too! And it’s completely worth the try!


Here is the link if you’re interested in finding out more! : Rodan & Fields


ANNNDDD lastly, I am not exactly switching, but starting a new life with essential oils! My girlfriend Hannah introduced me to Young Living essential oils. Though, I haven’t received mine yet, I have heard many great things, and have researched many great things, and I’m so ready to try oils! Oils are pretty much a natural remedy to many things in life. If you’re having trouble sleeping, use an oil; if you’re stomach is hurting, use an oil. Simple as that!

essential oils.jpg                                     Photo Cred: Taylor Tippett

Here is the link if you’d want to find out more! : Young Living  (make sure to use Hannah’s code for discounts! 11453679)   


Let’s take this journey together! I’m so excited to see the difference these healthy products make in my life! You can do it too! I would love to know what you are using/find to use…please comment below or message me with your knowledge! Knowledge is POWER!




theswitch.png*Pinterest Picture!



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